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Tip #18 - Fill your space

  1. Read time: 1 minute
  2. Written by: Tiffany Spaulding

Fill your space left to right, back to front and top to bottom – DON’T stack things on top of each other.

Ultimately being organized means that you’re able to put your hands on the supplies you need quickly and easily. That translates to having the most stuff within easy reach. 

In order to maximize the amount of stuff, think about how to fill your space.  This might mean adjusting shelf heights or finding new storage items that work better with your supplies.

One of the keys to being successful with filling your space is avoiding stacking things on top of each other. A stack will almost always require 2 hands to remove items from the stack. Stacks often become piles of unknown stuff. Narrow your shelves or go vertical with supplies to avoid stacking.

Fill your space left to right, top to bottom and back to front.

Remember, easily pulling your supplies out will also mean that you can easily put them away.  Storage solutions that can come off the shelf and onto your workspace are ideal.

Thanks for joining me.

Happy Organizing,


Tiffany recommends – Slide, Stash & Store, Buddy Bags, Storage & Supply cases and of course Fab Files.

  1. Totally Tiffany

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